Police seize computer equipment
NEWCASTLE — Federal police agents have raided the operator of Megalink, a computer bulletin board system (BBS), and confiscated over $10,000 worth of equipment, according to a message posted on April 27 on a different BBS.
On the strength of an anonymous tip, the police produced an "open warrant" to search for stolen credit card numbers, blank cheques and stolen modems. None of the specified items were found, yet computer equipment and other unrelated equipment were seized, and the BBS operator and his companion were harassed.
No charges have been laid. Stan White, the operator, has been raided at least three times in the last 12 months.
Two V8 engines, over 10 years old, were also taken because White could not produce receipts on the spot. Receipts were produced within a matter of days. Following the raid, White was taken to the police station, held for much of the day and finally interrogated. He was refused transport home.
BBS users are concerned that this raid, which reportedly is not an isolated incident, represents an infringement on democratic rights. While there are some restrictions — namely money and equipment — this form of communication is not yet subject to the same control and monopolisation as other forms of media.