Rally against Hindmarsh inquisition
By Michael Unger
ADELAIDE— Two thousand people gathered on the steps of Parliament House on July 7 to protest against a royal commission called by the State Liberal government in regard to Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island).
The commission is to try to uncover the "truth" of Ngarrindjeri women's sacred sites at Kumarangk. Thus it is an inquisition into the spiritual beliefs of indigenous Australians. The MC for the rally, Katrina Power, summed up the feelings of the crowd by calling on the government to "hold a royal commission into whether Mary was a virgin".
Other speakers at the rally included Val Power, representing the Ngarrindjeri women, former premier Don Dunstan and Davy Thomason from the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. Davy gave a commitment that the CFMEU "will never allow that bridge to be built".
The rally concluded with a march to Victoria Square, many of the participants wearing mouth gags to symbolise the silence which has been forced on the Ngarrindjeri women over this issue.
The Kumarangk Coalition is calling on all people outraged over this issue to write a letter of protest, stating that it is a formal submission to the royal commission, to: The Secretary, Hindmarsh Island Bridge Royal Commission, GPO Box 156, Adelaide 5001.