Canberra community radio in FM test
CANBERRA — Community Radio 2XX powers up on the FM frequency 105.5 on Saturday, October 15, for its "next FM" trial period. "Keep the frequency clear" is the banner under which 2XX is conducting its six-week FM test.
In two previous FM tests, conducted in October 1993 and May 1994, 2XX received hundreds of written reports from listeners comparing program signal strength on FM105.5 and the station's permanent AM frequency, 1008. 2XX continues broadcasting on 1008 AM throughout the FM tests.
The feedback, combined with listeners' financial pledges totalling more than $20,000 during previous AM/FM simulcasts, indicates that the community does indeed want to hear the range and depth of programs available on 2XX, says manager Elizabeth O'Brien.
This is the message 2XX will be taking to local and federal government: Keep the frequency clear for 2XX — next FM.
Residential and business areas of the ACT have grown considerably since 1976 when 2XX was awarded a 300 watt AM licence as one of the country's first community broadcasters. An aerial power of 300 watts does not cover Canberra; commercial stations in the district operate with 5000 to 10000 watts.
According to the Australian Broadcasting Authority's recently released Frequency Allotment Plan, there will be three new frequencies cleared in the ACT for distribution among community, commercial and government services. "Because all Canberrans have the right to receive their community radio station", O'Brien says, "2XX must be the ABA's priority next FM".
Listeners are encouraged to lodge frequency reception reports with 2XX in writing or by phone. Program guides are available from 2XX Studios in Kingsley Street, Acton, or phone 249 4512.