Qld Social Security bans lifted
By Bill Mason
BRISBANE — Work bans imposed by Public Sector Union members in the Department of Social Security in Queensland were lifted on February 23. This followed a vote at workplace meetings to accept a draft agreement between the union and DSS management, which emerged from negotiations in the Industrial Relations Commission.
The five-week dispute began over funding cuts by DSS which have affected staff numbers, conditions of employment and client service.
PSU members imposed additional half-day closures on Wednesday afternoons. Teleservices closed on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
The settlement was accepted by a vote of approximately two-to-one, under threat of the department applying for stand-down orders in the commission.
While the agreement contains a number of clauses referring to possible sources of extra funding from DSS or the Department of Finance in future, no specific commitments were given.
Sceptical union members are awaiting the course of coming talks, with the possibility of renewed industrial action if no satisfactory outcome is achieved.