Indian Pacific looks at Indonesia — The third program of IP's series on Indonesia examines the role of the military, whose representatives are granted 100 seats in parliament. There is currently a debate over dwifungsi — the "dual role" of the armed forces in politics and defence. ABC Radio National, Sat January 23, 7.30 a.m. (repeated Mon January 25, 2.05 p.m.).
Cranial Pursuits: Men's and Women's Brains — The Science Show looks at the claims that there are differences between the brains of men and women. Also explored is the controversial research into differences in the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men. ABC Radio National, Sat January 23, 12.40 p.m. (Repeated Mon January 25, 7.10 p.m.).
Talking History: Out of Sight, Out of Mind — "Out of sight, out of mind" is an apt description of the Moore River Aboriginal settlement between 1916 and 1951. Aboriginal men, women and children from all over WA were rounded up and sent to Moore River at the whim of the local police or government order. This program tells their story. ABC Radio National, Sun January 24, 1.30 p.m. (Repeated Tues January 26, 2.05 p.m.).
Fictions: Two radio plays about the Aboriginal experience — Brumby Innes by Katherine Susannah Prichard was perhaps the first Australian play to deal with the harsh attitude of white settlers to Aboriginal people. It was written in 1927, published in 1940, but not performed professionally until 1972. Black Cockatoos by Michelle Harrison deals with love across the colour line in an Australian country town. ABC Radio National, Sun January 24, 2.02 p.m.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal — Caroline Jones talks with the human rights activist, writer and poet, formerly known as Kath Walker, who has inspired her people and written passionately about the plight of South Sea Islanders and Aborigines in Australia. ABC Radio National, Sun January 24, 6.05 p.m. (Repeated Fri January 29, 3.05 p.m.).
Poetry at the Pub on the Airwaves — Newcastle's 2NUR 103.7 FM broadcasts the best in the verbal arts every Friday at 9 p.m. The program on January 21 comes from the Grand Hotel, Newcastle. On January 28, the poetry of Reese North will be featured.