By Karen Fredericks SYDNEY — "So much of theatre today is about entertainment, rather than art and ideas", says Don Mamouney, artistic director of the Sidetrack Theatre Company. To help overcome such stagnation, the company's Performance Week
Sorrow and triumph Sadness By William Yang Belvoir Theatre, Sydney until October 18 Reviewed by Wayne Ruscoe Sydney photographer William Yang has developed a unique drama form: the presentation of slides with an accompanying monologue
Green camp for Cuba By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — The Green Team, a new non-profit cooperative, is trying to organise a group of Australians to participate in a new internationalist Green Camp in Cuba next year. According to Wayne Wadsworth,
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — In his victory speech, new Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett tried his best to sound conciliatory. But he soon proved how futile it can be to repress a burning desire (in this case, to put the boot into the union
WA teachers in the mood for change By Ian Bolas PERTH — Delegates at the annual conference of the WA Teachers' Union on September 29-October 1 overwhelmingly endorsed an agenda of change. This was the outcome of a campaign by rank and file
Proud of his enemies By Karen Fredericks SYDNEY — At a public signing of his new book Distant Voices at Gould's Bookshop in Glebe on October 10, John Pilger elaborated upon his refusal to enter into a public brawl with Ben Hills. Hills
The Party of Labour, Russia's best-known "new left" formation, is holding its official founding conference on October 9 and 10. IRINA GLUSHCHENKO reports from Moscow on the impact the party has already made. An organising committee for the
Record ozone loss over Antarctica This year's Antarctic ozone hole is deeper than ever before and started forming earlier than ever before, Greenpeace said on September 24. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has revealed
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — A just-completed conference of international experts has confirmed that relatively low exposure to lead pollution can permanently damage intellectual development in children. The October 5-9 gathering of the
Correction In our September 30 issue, a photograph of an anti-logging protest at Wild Cattle Creek was incorrectly credited. The photographer was Dirk Millburn.
By Catherine Brown An Athens football stadium was packed to capacity with 40,000 people on October 6, and another 20,000 gathered outside, all in solidarity with bus workers, who have been on strike since July. The strikers, who have been
Wilderness Society says forest ad is wrong By Peter Anderson SYDNEY — The Wilderness Society has appealed to the Trade Practices Commission, the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal and the Advertising Standards Council for a nationwide ban on