PERTH — On July 30, 40 people attended a showing in the suburb of Darlington of the film The Power of Community, How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Organised by the East/Hills branch of the Socialist Alliance, the screening prompted discussion afterwards
Steve O'Brien, Durban Organisers are expecting 100,000 people to attend the Nairobi World Social Forum next January in Kenya. While some smaller regional meetings have been held, this will be the first time that the WSF has come to Africa in such a
Pablo Stefanoni, La Paz A Quechuan indigenous woman, Silvia Lazarte, will become the president of Bolivia's new Constituent Assembly after gaining the blessing of Bolivian President Evo Morales and the support of the campesino (peasant)
Palestinian trade unions and workers' organisations have joined together to issue an international appeal for solidarity and support. "The Israeli occupying power is waging a ruthless war on Palestine and Lebanon, which resulted in the killing and
Justine Kamprad, Sydney Some 120 delegates and observers gathered for the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) national conference in Sydney on July 23-27. The two main issues discussed were the strategy the union movement should adopt to
Dale Mills, Sydney Forklift driver Mohamed Abdulrahman was awarded $25,000 compensation and legal costs by the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal on August 1 after the tribunal upheld his complaint that he had been subjected to illegal racial
Sue Bolton Some employers are salivating for an opportunity to try out the parts of the federal government's new industrial laws that fine workers for taking industrial action. Leading the charge is the Western Australian-based Total Corrosion
Shua Garfield Socialist and anti-war groups campaigning on university campuses against Israel's war on Lebanon and Palestine have faced violence, intimidation and attempts at censorship from Zionists. At Melbourne University on July 24, Zionist
Mark Diesendorf With growing international concern about global climate change from human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, the nuclear power industry has attempted to change the image of its product into that of an energy source that is "clean,
Doug Lorimer On July 31, Iranian UN ambassador Javad Zarif denounced as illegal a resolution adopted by the UN Security Council demanding that his country suspend its research into the production of nuclear power-plant fuel (low-enriched uranium) by
Graham Matthews Australian trade unionists have joined the call for Israel to withdraw from Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories, and for an immediate ceasefire. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is promoting the
[The following statement was issued in London on August 3.] The US-backed Israeli assault on Lebanon has left the country numb, smouldering and angry. The massacre in Qana and the loss of life is not simply "disproportionate". It is, according to
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