Graham Matthews More and more incidents of bosses using the federal government's new Work Choices laws to sack "troublemakers", slash the pay of casuals or "restructure" their workplaces are surfacing in the media and, in the lead-up to May Day
Farooq Tariq, Lahore An indefinite national strike by bhatta (brick-kiln) workers began on April 18 and was marked by violence, kidnappings, arrests and torture of workers by the bosses and police all over Pakistan. More than 20 workers were
Dave Holmes Every society deals with crime and punishment in its own special way. Modern capitalism, for all the ludicrous claims of its media hacks and propagandists, is a class-divided society based on the exploitation and oppression of the many
Luisa Ara The April 9 presidential election in Peru attracted the attention of many in Latin America and the rest of the world, given the possibility that Peru may join the wave of South American countries turning against neoliberal policies and
Simon Cunich and Katie Cherrington After being detained by the Wolf Brigade — an elite police squad controlled by the US-backed Iraqi Interior Ministry — in February 2005, Khalida Zakiya, a 46-year-old woman from Mosul, appeared on Iraqi
Murray Smith, Paris After two months of a mass campaign against the CPE (First Employment Contract), on the morning of April 10 the French government finally caved in and withdrew the measure. The CPE would have enabled employers to sack young
Since 2001, the Rheebuu Nuu Committee has been protesting against the Goro-Nickel mine in southern New Caledonia, which is operated by the Canadian mining giant INCO. INCO acquired the land for free and was given tax-free status for the first 15
Doug Lorimer Two days after several thousand rioters looted and burned down shops, hotels and other buildings in the Solomon Islands capital of Honiara on April 18, Australian PM John Howard dispatched 110 troops and 80 police officers to join the
Jim McIlroy & Coral Wynter, Caracas Three days of commemorations of the fourth anniversary of the right-wing coup that briefly ousted President Hugo Chavez and installed a pro-US regime were held on April 11-13. The highlight was the opening of a
Annolies Truman Speaking on ABC Radio National's Perspective program on April 12, Greenpeace Australia Pacific spokesperson Tim Hollo said that Australia's export of renewable energy technology to China "holds far greater prospects than uranium for
The French government's decision on April 10 to scrap its First Employment Contract law is a great victory for working people, and shows the way for us in Australia. The Chirac government was forced to scrap the law it passed last month that would
Documents released under freedom of information laws show that queer activists at universities have been monitored by an intelligence system set up for surveillance of suspected terrorists. The official role of the secretive Counter-Intelligence