Amanda Freund, Newcastle
Newcastle City Council will fly the West Papuan flag from City Hall on December 1 as a gesture of support for the West Papuan people's struggle for independence from Indonesian rule. Council general manager Janet Dore
Rohan Pearce
While US President George Bush was in China fighting a losing battle with a locked door at a Beijing media conference, it was left to his vice-president, the rather less bumbling Dick Cheney, to defend Washington's troubled war on Iraq
Susan Price, Sydney
On the night of November 22, following threats of eviction, the University of Newcastle moved to changed the locks on the offices of the National Tertiary Education Union on the campus.
The NTEU had previously made attempts at
As around 600,000 workers took to the streets around Australia on November 15 against the Howard government's draconian anti-union/anti-worker laws, some 120 New Zealand workers protested in solidarity outside the Australian High Commission in
Federico Fuentes, La Paz
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of Decree 21060, which heralded the dawning of the era of neoliberal "free market" policies in Bolivia. According to Jim Schultz, executive director of the
Doug Lorimer
A number of submissions made to the Senate legal and constitutional legislation committee's inquiry into the Howard government's Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005, which will issue its report on the bill on November 28, have highlighted
Emma Clancy, Perth
More than 100 protesters occupied the Western Australian ALP state conference on November 26, held at the Perth Convention Centre.
The protesters urged federal Labor to vote against the Coalition government's so-called
As an employee of a major regional newspaper group, getting a full-time job as a journalist in 2003 was conditional on signing an AWA (individual contract), there being no award offered.
Under the AWA there were no penalty rates for evenings, long
On November 24, plans were put in place to evacuate the 980 people living on the six Carteret atolls, after they battled for decades with the effects of climate change. The Papua New Guinean government will move 10 families at a time to Bougainville,
At its national conference in November, the anti-war Respect coalition passed the following resolution pledging solidarity with Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution.
1. This conference extends its solidarity to the people of Venezuela and applauds its
Don Fowler, Sydney
The Leichhardt Peace Group has written a letter of concern about the proposed anti-terrorism legislation to the secretary-general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and has requested he refer it to the Office of the United
Niko Leka, Newcastle
Twenty-seven maintenance workers employed by Boeing at the Williamtown RAAF base north of here have been locked out by the company since June 1 for refusing to sign new individual contracts. The workers, all members of the
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