The former ironworkers' union (FIMEE) has taken another step towards becoming a general manufacturing union with an 80% vote by the 3500-member Glass Workers' Union to amalgamate with it. The 100,000-member FIMEE already has extensive coverage
Camp humour and a serious subject The art of being still Written by Steven Dawson Directed by Karl Steinberg Universal Theatre, Melbourne, until August 16 Reviewed by Mark Urban Described by its writer as a "serious comedy", The art of
fm24 = Disarm the Skies campaign set up By Roberto Jorquera MELBOURNE — An organising meeting to discuss the campaign against Aerospace '92 was held here on July 21. The meeting, called by Campaign Against Militarism and other groups, was
Salmonberries Directed by Percy Adlon Starring k.d. lang, Rosel Zech, Chuck Connors Reviewed by Bronwen Beechey Anyone going to see Salmonberries would be well advised to wrap up warm. The film is shot in a remote part of Alaska where
By Stephen Marks MANAGUA — A meeting of "the representatives of the workers, peasants and the poor of Latin America" was Daniel Ortega's description of the Third Forum of Sao Paulo, held here from July 16 to 19. The Sandinista National
Radio highlights Hawaii — Hawaii's recent history sung by historian Jonathon Osorio. He sings about the islanders' protest movements — from protecting their land against development and environmental destruction to the campaign against the
By Frank Noakes LONDON — The Tory government on July 14 announced plans to privatise British Rail. The process, sketched in a 21-page white paper, will begin as early as next year. Under the remarkably vague proposals, BR will retain the
By Peter Boyle The federal opposition says an 18-month wage freeze and $3-$3.50/hour youth wages will help solve unemployment. The Business Council of Australia (BCA) agrees, as does the National Farmers Federation. But according a July 23
Wollongong students strike By Col Hesse WOLLONGONG — Students at Wollongong Uni were called upon to strike by their SRC on July 29 to protest against the high level of fees and charges levied by the administration. According to Craig
MANAGUA — The meeting of Latin American left and revolutionary parties held here July 16-19, has hailed a campaign for university funding as a fight to defend the gains of the Sandinista revolution. The universities have taken the UNO government
A recent dispute in Casino, NSW, involved the expulsion of an Aboriginal high school student for calling "asshole" a teacher alleged to have used racist language, including terms such as "vermin", in regard to Aborigines. Former teacher ERIC EARLY
By Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — With recent opinion polls indicating a swing of at least 10% against Labor, the defeat of the Kirner government at the state elections in October seems a foregone conclusion. It seems key ministers have accepted