While much of Venezuelan's attention is focussed on the December 4 National Assembly elections, another set of important elections are scheduled to take place during November in the municipality of Sucre.

John Pilger "The propagandist's purpose", wrote Aldous Huxley, "is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human". The British, who invented modern war propaganda and inspired Joseph Goebbels, were specialists in the
Kathy Newnam, Darwin Opponents of the nuclear industry took their message to the federal parliamentary inquiry into uranium resources when it met in Darwin on October 24. Deceptively calling itself "the inquiry into developing Australia's
The PessoptimistDirected by Don MamouneyUntil November 19 at the Sidetrack Theatre, Addison Road Community Centre, Marrickville, SydneyPhone (02) 9294 4655 or email <theatre@sidetrack.com.au> REVIEW BY SIMON TAYLER Based on the novel by
The October 13 Scottish Socialist Voice reported that the Labour government's work and pensions secretary, David Blunkett, says that applicants for welfare benefits should undergo lie-detector tests. Blunkett is especially qualified to comment on
Kim Bullimore On October 9, Israel's Ministerial Committee for Legal Affairs approved the Criminal Law Procedures Bill. If implemented, it will enable Israel to implement a two-track law — one for Israelis and one for Palestinians — to govern
HOBART — After a lengthy recess, the Tasmanian Council for Civil Liberties recommenced activity in August in response to recent government attacks on democracy. Demanding "no police state in Australia", the council will hold a rally on November 12
Peter Boyle, Auckland The first national Workers Charter conference, attended by more than 100 activists, was held on October 22 in Auckland. The draft charter (see <http://workerscharter.org.nz> ) was endorsed and will now be taken
Liam Mitchell "Billy", who features in the federal Coalition government's WorkChoices booklet promoting its planned industrial relations "reforms", has to sign an individual contract (Australian Workplace Agreement) to get a job. He is currently
Amanda Zivcic The federal government's apparent decision not to attempt to pass its controversial "voluntary student unionism" (VSU) legislation in time for it to be implemented in 2006 is evidence that community opposition, expressed in student
Emma Clancy In the aftermath of the destruction unleashed by Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, the brutal reality of US capitalism was exposed for all to see — its massive inequality, its institutionalised racism, and the huge gulf between the
DARWIN — The Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (LHMU) launched a campaign on October 22 to win better wages and professional recognition for child-care workers in the Northern Territory. The LHMU has targeted low wages as one of the key