By Margaret El-Chami Most charges against more than 200 people arrested during last November's anti-Aidex protests were dropped last week because of lack of evidence. Organisers from Stop Aidex (now called Stop Aus-Tec) say this shows that
Pornography and Feminism: The Case Against Censorship By Feminists Against Censorship Edited by Gillian Rodgerson and Elizabeth Wilson Lawrence and Wishart, 1991 79 pp. $15 pb Reviewed by Tracy Sorensen Is there evidence of a direct link
Trumpets and Raspberries By Dario Fo Presented by Melbourne's New Theatre as part of the Melbourne Comedy Festival The Organ Factory, Clifton Hill until April 18 Reviewed by Peter Boyle Italian playwright Dario Fo has a unique talent for
Gareth Evans runs in Wills By Jeremy Smith and Vanessa Hearman MELBOURNE — Foreign minister Gareth Evans on the Wills campaign trail for Labor in Coburg on April 4, was forced to flee by East Timorese activists angered by the government's