It is a sign of how strong opposition to a war against Iraq has become that the Labor Party federal caucus on November 12 shifted its position slightly. But the shift is an illusion. Come a war, the ALP will almost certainly support it.
The ALP now
MELBOURNE — On November 2, the Socialist Alliance held a very successful dinner. Around 110 people filled the Flemington Community Centre to celebrate achieving electoral registration in Victoria.
Every party that was affiliated
A US-led attack on Iraq is likely to result in between 48,000 and 260,000 deaths during the first three months of combat. Post-war health effects could result in a further 200,000 deaths, according to a report by the International
Fatima is a widow and grandmother who has been in Australia for 10 years, living with her family who are financially supporting her. She has no remaining close family in East Timor and has grown very close to her grandchildren here.
PERTH — On October 28, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issued an environmental impact assessment supporting a proposed marina resort development at Mauds Landing on the Ningaloo Reef.
An ongoing campaign has
Christmas parade for peace
LAUNCESTON — "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all" — As the US and its allies plan for war on Iraq and asylum seekers in Australia languish in detention, this simple Christmas message couldn't be more relevant.
MAPUTO — The structural adjustment program under way in Mozambique since 1987, with its privatisation of well over a thousand formerly state-run companies, has led to 120,000 workers losing their jobs, according to the country's largest trade union
Every year, an average of over 400 billion cups of coffee are drunk throughout the world. It is the planet's favourite beverage. In fact, coffee is the second most important raw material in commercial volume, following oil.
Stand Up and Fight!Photographs by John EllisNew International Bookshop Gallery, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton, MelbourneNovember 30-December 21Monday to Friday, 9.30am-6.30 pmSaturdays, 11am-5pm
MELBOURNE — This excellent exhibition
"The young of Australia will not be deterred from travelling in the years ahead... We will continue to live the lives that we regard as the birthright of all Australians." Prime Minister John Howard made these comments during the
SYDNEY — Anti-corporate globalisation and anti-war protesters won
a significant victory on November 13-15, when they successfully defied
a NSW government ban on protest marches during the
JILL HICKSON, documentary filmmaker with Sydney's Actively Radical TV (ARTV), attended the European Social Forum in Florence and participated in the huge anti-war march on November 9. Here is her report.
In every direction, all you could see was a
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