BY ALISON DELLIT "Don't believe them when they tell me there ain't no cure. The rich stay healthy, the sick stay poor" — U2's 1988 song God Part II contains a pretty good summary of the Howard government's seventh budget, delivered on May 14.
BY AMY McDONELL On May 13, the day before the federal government's budget was delivered, students mobilised around the country to demand more funds for education and social services. The national day of action was called by the National
BY MARGARET GLEESON Labor for Refugees was formed in NSW at the end of 2001, giving expression to the frustration of ordinary ALP members who were increasingly disgusted at the party's anti-refugee policies. One of the main aims of the group has
BY BRETT MULLER On May 1, NSW planning minister Andrew Refshauge approved Australian Silicon Ltd's proposed development of a charcoal factory at Mogo, on the NSW south coast. The department received more than 1530 submissions from 1220
BY JIM GREEN Greenpeace activists blocked the export of illegally logged timber from the Kiunga-Aiambak logging project in western Papua New Guinea on March 12. Volunteers locked themselves onto a barge carrying the timber and also obstructed the
Always read the fine print "Asia's poor countries briefly thought they had hit the jackpot on Saturday when Japan promised a staggering $500 billion to a regional poverty reduction fund. Speaking in Japanese to an annual meeting of the Asian
BY OWAIN LEWIS-JONES DARWIN — Eleven protesters from the Network Against Prohibition (NAP) stormed the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly chamber on May 14. The group was protesting the introduction of the Labor government's "drug house"
All out for June 22-23! Federal immigration minister Philip Ruddock isn't the sort to admit to making errors of judgement. But try as he might, these days his nauseating smirk doesn't appear so convincing. While the tide of
BY ALEX BAINBRIDGE HOBART — The Resource, Planning and Development Commission hearing into the proposed Southwood woodchip mill and wood-fired power station ended on May 14 — two weeks after what was meant to be a three-day hearing began.
American alliance All of Australia's defence personnel serving overseas should be withdrawn immediately The revelation by defence minister Senator Hill that our troops in Afghanistan killed three hundred of the enemy without loss and without
BY SUE BOLTON MELBOURNE — Showing breathtaking disregard for the wishes of his Victorian members, national secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Doug Cameron convened a telephone hook-up of AMWU national council members on May
Taliban: The Story of the Afghan WarlordsBy Ahmed RashidPan Books 2001250 pages $20 REVIEWED BY CHRIS SLEE Re-published with a new foreword after September 11, Taliban: The Story of the Afghan Warlords by Far Eastern Economic Review journalist