In violation of the terms of the Geneva Convention, the United States government intentionally used sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country's water supply during and after the 1991 Gulf War, Defense Intelligence Agency documents have revealed.
BY SARAH KNOPP "We'd like to take this time to remind all Americans in this time of hardship that 33 News coverage of 'America Strikes Back' is brought to you by Nike, who would like to remind all freedom-loving, brave American soldiers to 'Just Do
Noam Chomsky, a longtime political activist, writer, and professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the author of numerous books and articles on US foreign policy, international affairs, and human rights. He was
BY PETER ROBSON& TROY SAXBY "I really feel that it's not our problem. They call it an act of terrorism, but if you understand the religion and our life, it's not about terrorism — it's about fighting for God's laws, and America's brought it upon
BY MELANIE SJOBERG SYDNEY — In the biggest show of Australian opposition to the war in Afghanistan yet, more than 10,000 protesters mobilised in 11 cities on the weekend of November 3-4, declaring: "No to racism, no to war — this is what we're
Bullies Since the end of World War II, the USA has been the biggest and toughest kid on the block, bullying mercilessly Iraq (genocide), Cuba (40 years' blockade), El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, little Grenada, Vietnam, Chile (Pinochet's ghastly
BY NADEEM ANSARI CANBERRA — More than 500 people turned out on November 4 to demand an end to the war on refugees in a protest organised by the Refugee Action Collective. First to address the crowd was Wadjularbinna from the Aboriginal Tent
BY MAX LANE Leaders of a militant union, including former political prisoner Dita Sari, have been arrested by Indonesian police during a crackdown on striking workers. One thousand workers from fifteen branches of the Matahari Putra Prima
BY MARK ABBERTON CANBERRA — Despite bad weather, 175 people joined a protest in Garema Place on November 7 against the bipartisan Coalition-Labor backing of the US war on Afghanistan. Speakers from the Socialist Alliance, ACT Greens, Women
BY SEAN HEALY While many trade unionists are embracing the need for greater global solidarity and interconnection, there are still some who want a return to the old protectionism, albeit under a new guise. The International Confederation of Free
December 9 protests against the war in Afghanistan Adelaide: Phone (08) 8231 6982 for details. Brisbane: Stop the bombing! Troops home now! Roma Street Forum, 3pm. Phone NOWAR on (07) 3371 3640, 0412 563 921 or (07) 3831 2644 for more
BY BELINDA SELKE WOLLONGONG — It was standing room only in Wollongong Town Hall at a public forum organised by the Refugee Action Collective on November 8, as more than 300 people were addressed by Labor MHR for Cunningham Stephen Martin, Iraqi