Refugees solidarity tour ADELAIDE — Local supporters of the campaign for justice for asylum seekers will join the Free the Refugees Solidarity Tour to the Woomera Immigration Detention Centre on September 21. So far more than 100 have
BY PAUL BENEDEK SYDNEY — Students and staff from the Bankstown, Campbelltown and Penrith campuses of the University of Western Sydney rallied outside the vice-chancellor's offices at UWS Penrith on September 11. The action was dubbed UWS11. The
[The following statement is being circulated by the Council of Canadians public interest organisation. To sign on to the statement, visit the web site of the Council of Canadians, <http://www.canadians.org>.] People's movements across the
BY BILL BRIGGS While we are able to look at the past with the gift of hindsight and can acknowledge the mistakes made in the name of the struggle for socialism in this country and the world, it would be wrong to simply write off the generations of
BY GARY MEYERHOFF DARWIN — The Northern Territory Labor Party said very little about mandatory sentencing during its successful August election campaign, and what it did say was highly confused. The only people who seemed to be saying that Labor
BY ALISON DELLIT The thing about capitalist competition is that it tends to negate itself. Back in the 1980s, when the Hawke Labor government began de-regulating commercial aviation, we were promised great benefits from increased competition. When
BY ALEX BAINBRIDGE HOBART — ALP member Ted Alexander won the 2001 Tasmania University Union presidential election by a landslide, capturing 59% of the vote. Promising to provide more free beer and improved services Alexander defeated Greens
BY GRAHAM MATTHEWS MELBOURNE — The Socialist Alliance campaign for the federal seat of Batman kicked off on September 8 with a demonstration demanding that the federal government accept the Tampa refugees. The demonstration, held at the Preston
BY LUKE FORMIATTI & SIMON BUTLER BRISBANE — The Labor-controlled University of Queensland Student Union has taken drastic action to prevent students from organising against the US war drive. After the University of Queensland Socialist Worker
Globalisation Prime Minister John Howard's actions during his visit to Japan remind us yet again why the economic globalisation which underpins current political decision-making is neither in the best interests of the people nor economically
BY JONATHAN GADIR Cracks are emerging in Israel's social consensus about conflict with the Palestinians, as 62 high school students publicly declared their intention to refuse military service. The declaration came in an open letter to Israel's
BY SEAN HEALY Cuban President Fidel Castro has condemned the terrorist attacks on Washington, DC, and New York, but has warned that "there are possibly dangerous days ahead for the world" unless the government of George W Bush realises that "None