BY MARINA CARMAN SYDNEY — "Australasian Correctional Management gets paid $139 a day for each refugee in the detention centres that it runs. And what do the refugees get? Appalling conditions, not enough food or toilets, sedatives, surveillance,
BY SEAN HEALY An Italian police officer has confirmed eyewitness reports that the brutal July 21 raid on the headquarters of groups protesting the G8 summit of world leaders in Genoa was an act of vengeance ordered by higher authorities. Speaking
@box text intr = Joseph Goebbels, the notorious Nazi propagandist (a job which today would be called "spin doctor"), came up with a theory in the 1930s called the Big Lie: the bigger the lie you tell people, the theory went, and the more you repeat
BY LISA MACDONALD Osama Saddig Yousif is one of thousands of activists in the north African country of Sudan who have been arrested, jailed and tortured many times by the Islamic fundamentalist government that took power in a military coup on June
BY JIM GREEN & SEAN HEALY In just six months as "globocop", United States President George W. Bush has pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, sabotaged the Biological Weapons Convention, sped ahead missile "defence" plans
BY EVA CHENG Fifty-six years ago, on August 6, 1945, the US dropped a nuclear bomb over Hiroshima, Japan, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of people. On August 6, 1991, under the cover of the United Nations, the US did it again — it
BY ERIN KILLION NEWCASTLE — The 150 activists who gathered for it will certainly long remember this year's annual Queer Collaborations conference, held here from July 9-13. The formal agenda prepared by the QC organising collective included
BY ALEX BAINBRIDGE SMITHTON — On August 1, in the largest farmer protest in Tasmania's history, 500 potato farmers and their supporters converged with tractors, trucks and other farm equipment on the McCain factory in Smithton. The blockade
On July 11 Maryam Ayoobi was stoned to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ayoobi, a mother in her late twenties, was imprisoned a year ago and sentenced to death for committing adultery. The International Committee Against Stoning had organised
REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON Small Comrades: Revolutionising Childhood in Soviet Russia 1917-1933By Lisa KirschenbaumRoutledgeFalmer, 2001232 pages, $45.10 (pb) "Thank you, Comrade Stalin, for our happy childhood", proclaimed the poster that hung in
The pen pushed to your lips — mute whore, silent gigolo... It was after the rocks fell and fire replaced the sky that the sun slipped, invisible, into the story around it: War looks beautiful here. Too violent for
NT nurses strike DARWIN — On July 26 NT nurses decided to reject a 4% pay offer, and take industrial action for the first time in twenty years. With an annual rate of inflation of 6%, the government's offer represents a drop in real wages. The