Is the Communist Manifesto still relevant?
The Communist ManifestoBy Karl Marx and Friedrich EngelsWith a commentary by Leon TrotskyResistance Books, 199880pp., $6.95 (pb) Review by Chris Slee
Generations of socialists have read the Moscow
By Iain Clacher
The true story of Di and Frances illustrates the hidden horror couples can face when politicians lock them out of the law simply because they are gay. Di and Frances were partners. They lived, paid bills and slept together for more
Anti-nuclear forum
By Keara Courtney
SYDNEY — Dr Helen Caldicott and Dr Jim Green condemned the federal
government's pro-nuclear push — which includes giving the go ahead to
a new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney's
By Marina Carman
SYDNEY — Last year a proposal was raised in a number of left student groups that only women members should vote in candidate preselections for women's officers. This position was adopted by the Activist Left group on Sydney
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