Reclaim the Streets MELBOURNE — In a protest against the increasing amount of space being taken up by cars, the Friends of the Earth Transport Collective here organised a Reclaim the Streets march and street party on March 13. Around 1500
Hobart abortion services to expand By Kamala Emanuel HOBART — Over the past month, the local Mercury newspaper has run a series of reports and letters regarding a proposal to establish a new abortion clinic at Bellerive on the city's eastern
By Cam Walker March 24 marked the 10th anniversary of the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez tanker in Alaska, one of the worst oil disasters in history. Friends of the Earth International chose that day to release a report on Exxon and its new
Democrats denounced over 'lunatic fringe' charge By Jonathan Singer The Greens have called the Australian Democrats' NSW election slogan, "Silence the lunatic fringe", offensive and hypocritical. Lee Rhiannon, Greens upper house candidate, on
CPSU branch rejects communications split By Ben Courtice MELBOURNE — A major issue at the March 11 Victorian branch conference of the Community and Public Sector Union (PSU group) was a proposal for the Telecommunications section of the union
By Renfrey Clarke NOVOSIBIRSK — There's not a great deal of joy in being a worker in Russia, and things are harder still if you are not in the relatively well-off capital, Moscow. Left-wing activism continues even in some of the most remote
Coping with the water crisis Sydney on TapBy John ArcherPure Water Press, 199896pp, $9.95 (paperback) Review by Dot Tumney John Archer's latest water quality opus provides a description of the events surrounding Sydney's 1998 water crisis. The
A view from death row US political prisoner MUMIA ABU-JAMAL was interviewed in January by JACK HEYMAN for the US International Longshore and Warehouse Union's journal, the Dispatcher. It has been abridged here. Abu-Jamal, a radical African-American
By Vannessa Hearman MELBOURNE — Library workers in the Hume-Moonee Valley library service, covering an area from near-city Flemington to the dormitory suburb of Melton, shut down and picketed all library branches there on March 15 in support of
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News —
By Hayley Platt BRISBANE — It is disgustingly hypocritical that some principals continue to get up in front of school assemblies, rave on about how racism is bad and that it is up to young people to stop it, and then punish us when we try to do
My enslaved ancestors By Brandon Astor Jones "Kyle's mum's a fucking Jew" — Cartman. A cartoon character spoke the words above in an episode of the television show South Park. I know from personal experience that anyone who would say the