Mutual obligation The Federal government is locked into its plan to expand its "work for the dole" scheme. This is being implemented under the rhetoric of "mutual obligation". A mutual obligation which is one-sided. This and the previous
Victorian Labor blames teachers By Mary Merkenich MELBOURNE — Earlier this month, Victorian ALP leader John Brumby announced his "zero tolerance" education policy. The policy attacks teachers, ignores the real causes of illiteracy and is much
By Sean Healy Resistance got off to a great start to the new university year last week, with more than 60 people joining the socialist organisation in Brisbane, Newcastle and Perth. Many more will join this week, as the semester begins at other
By Kathy Newnam ADELAIDE — In the face of voluntary student unionism (VSU) legislation, there is an urgent need for a mass campaign by students. The South Australian branch of NUS is setting forth a plan which would limit the involvement of
Open AustraliaBy Lindsay TannerPluto Press, 1999248 pp., $24.95 Review by Allen Myers Since its crushing electoral defeat in 1996, the Labor Party has been seeking to revive its image with the voters. Part of this involves projecting the idea that