NTEU members save unionist's job By Tim Gooden CANBERRA — The president of the Australian National University branch of the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union, Dr Doug Kelly, has had his forced redundancy withdrawn after NTEU
details = Prison Songs Volume 2: Don'tcha Hear Poor Mother Calling?Various artistsRounder Records (through Festival) Review by James Smith John Lomax and his son Alan might best be remembered for travelling across America and discovering Huddie
By Dave Riley With six Catholics shot dead after six weeks of a loyalist killing spree, the prospects for a peace settlement in Northern Ireland seem bleaker now than at any time since the current talks began in October. The latest victims were
Repackaging old perspectives By Nick Soudakoff At last week's ALP national conference in Hobart, Mark Latham, shadow minister for education and youth affairs, outlined Labor's education policy for the next federal election. Latham said Labor
details = SleepFive Stories HighBackspace Theatre (as part of Hobart Fringe Festival) — January 29-30, $10/8 concession Review by Jane Marni Hobart's women's circus, Five Stories High, presents feminist performance art. It is based on a
On the box Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Access News —
Comment by Peter Reid Tough new press rules in the UK to protect privacy and curb smut-hounds have fuelled debate about whether Australia should adopt similar safeguards. Intimidation and harassment by photographers and journalists are banned under
By Rebecca Meckleberg A judgment handed down by the full bench of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) on December 23 strips conditions from the hospitality industry award. The decision cuts a swathe through the hospitality award.
THROUGH AND THROUGH THROUGH AND THROUGHa Christian?No, but I know many very wella Muslim?No, but with them too I dwella Buddhist?No, but their truths live and tella Jew?No, but into them as well I meldFOR ALL OF THOSEyou see, are integral parts of
Porsche belt humour SeinfeldChannel 107pm week nights Review by Al McCall After stitching up a deal for another season the cast of Seinfeld must have been pretty peeved when Jerry pulled the rug from under them. As one of the cast may have
For John Brink My God calls to me in the morning dewThe power of the universe knows my nameGave me a song to sing and sent me on my wayI raise my voice for justice, I believe. — "I Remember, I Believe", by Sweet Honey in the Rock John Brink,
Multicultural democracy Democracy has to be more than picking between tweedledum and tweedleduller on a ballot paper and then sticking our heads back in the sand till next time or demonstrating for TV cameras. South Africa's and New Zealand's