By Dave Riley
Elderly people entering my local nursing home from this month could pay accommodation bonds ranging from $2000 to $90,000, depending on their assets. Since the home is only a 40-bed facility, placement may not be possible if no
Rallies against Howard's 10-point plan
By Nikki Ulasowski and Nick Fredman
In Canberra on October 21, more than 750 people from around Australia gathered at 7am to form a human chain around Parliament House, aimed at opposing the federal
Martov: Politician and HistorianBy I. Kh. UrilovMoscow: Nauka, 1997. 472 pp. (In Russian) Review by Boris Kagarlitsky
Yuliy Martov is usually considered one of the most tragic figures in the history of the Russian Revolution. With Lenin, he was
Learning How to DieBy Pablo Armando FernandesTtranslated with an introduction by John BrothertonHavana: Editorial Jose Marti, 1996. Review by John Nebauer
Learning How to Die (Aprendiendo a morir) is an English/Spanish anthology of poetry by Pablo
WorkCover stoppage gains broad support
By Bronwen Beechey
MELBOURNE — In what promises to be the largest union stop-work and rally since the huge protests against the Kennett government's industrial relations laws in 1992, workers will be
By James Vassilopoulos
"Historic strike wave defies penal system: the long struggle of Australia's organised workers against insidious Arbitration laws devised to steal away their only truly defensive weapon — the strike — has exploded into
By Paul Glenning
EMERALD, Qld — In the face of company goons posing as security guards, miners at ARCO's Gordonstone mine have had a small win. Management has been forced to back off from the more blatant intimidation and harassment it has used
Students rally against fees and cuts
By Sean Healy
A week of action called by the National Union of Students against cuts to tertiary education and student fees featured rallies and actions across Australia last week. From Sydney, Mel Bull
By Norm Dixon
The South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) has appealed for international support in its struggle against the privatisation of basic services. The union has been waging a bitter fight against the privatisation of water and
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community
University of Canberra left polls well
By Nick Middleton
CANBERRA — Students at the University of Canberra went to the polls on October 21-23 to elect next year's Students Association. They gave a good vote to left and progressive candidates,
By Peter Gellert
MEXICO CITY — A week after Mexico's worst storm in recorded history, the country's Pacific coast has barely started picking itself out of the rubble and destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Paulina. The hurricane lashed the
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