Public servants strike in South Africa By Norm Dixon More than 370,000 public sector workers went on strike in South Africa on July 25 in support of their demand for a 9% wage increase. Tens of thousands of teachers, nurses, public
James Vassilopoulos The struggle by the Liverpool dockers — now in its second year — is gaining momentum. A 24-hour international solidarity strike has been set, and last month the dockers stopped an attempt by the Transport and General
By Ian Jamieson Tasmanian local governments face an uncertain future as the Liberal state government pushes ahead with a program of forced amalgamation. As part of his "Directions Statement", a mid-term attempt to address the malaise in the
More East Timorese disappear The Melbourne-based East Timor Human Rights Centre (ETHRC) fears for the safety of Santina Morreira Belo, aged 22, and her baby aged under one, who disappeared after Santina Morreira Belo was arrested on July 12 by
UQ union members meet By Kathy Newnam BRISBANE — A rally of 100 National Tertiary Education and Industry Union members at the University of Queensland on July 31 discussed the enterprise bargaining process currently taking place. The
Workers strike against 'Brutish' Airways By James Vassilopoulos British Airways cabin crews struck for 72 hours July 9-11 to protest against a £42 million pay and conditions cut. Picketers carried signs saying "Brutish Airways". The
Deaths in custody continue By Chris Spindler The death of 28-year-old Fiona Gibbs on July 19 from an alleged hanging incident which occurred on July 17 at the Brewarrina lock-up brings the NSW total of indigenous deaths in custody to 37
Crop CirclesBy Urban Theatre ProjectsThe Performance Space, Sydney from July 24, then Newcastle Uni (Aug 8), Uni of Western Sydney, Nepean (Aug 14). Info 02 9601 8011. Review by Brendan Doyle At the Performance Space in Redfern, you're always