By Anthony Benbow PERTH — Anyone driving down Harvest Terrace past WA's parliament lately has been greeted by a blaze of light and colour. Day and night there is movement and activity, music, people talking, a welcoming fire against the cold
TAFE students organise against restructuring By Jenny Forward HOBART — Students opposed to restructuring recommended in a recent education review have called for the resignation of the state education and vocational training minister.
By Lisa Macdonald Last week federal cabinet approved a 6000 cut in the migrant intake for 1997-98. While the number of refugee and humanitarian places will stay at 12,000, the number of non-humanitarian places will fall from 74,000 to 68,000.
Reconciliation 'past its use-by date' PERTH — John Howard's "Ten Commandments" regarding the Wik judgment "are just 10 ways of saying 'no' to Aboriginal Australia", says Yaluritja (Clarrie Isaacs). The well-known anti-racist activist
By Allen Myers Here we go again. For the second time this year, business, media and politicians are bombarding us with propaganda for tax "reform". The word has to be put in inverted commas, because they don't really mean reform — i.e.,
Comment by Iggy Kim HOBART — Since the 3000-strong protest here that caused Pauline Hanson to cancel her public meeting, local Hansonites have thrown up their arms at the "anti-democratic rabble". Likewise, "respectable" commentators have
Action Against Racism PERTH — After giving Pauline Hanson "the worst 24 hours" of her life, the Action Against Racism coalition has organised a speak-out against racism. Spokesperson Ana Kailis commented that PM John Howard had clearly
Poem: The Fool When I was youngI had a young man's dreams.And they were good dreams,dreams to warm the heartand guide the brain.Now I am no longer youngthose dreams still seem so fine to me.They do not dim,they deepen.They make more sense,take
Second anti-Hanson protest in Geelong By Emma Murphy and Susan Price GEELONG One hundred protesters gathered to show their opposition to the second attempt to set up a branch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party on May 19. Hanson
Phew! "I don't think you'd find, after 13 years' experience in government, that the Labor Party intends to produce soviet Australia." — ALP leader Kim Beazley, arguing that it isn't really necessary to remove the word "socialism" from the
By Theresa Kanari PORT MORESBY — Police who raided non-governmental organisations on May 5, 6 and 12 targeted a Pacific-wide communications network and sensitive electronic mail files, say activists. The files dealt with issues such as the
By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — Jenny Munro, chairperson of the Metropolitan Lands Council, traces the reconciliation process back to one of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody. "It was one of the first things