Crime and punishmentCrime and punishment
By Dave Holmes
Crime, especially violent crime, is a favourite staple of the capitalist media. Murders, assaults, sex crimes, paedophilia, robberies, home invasions, gang violence — they can
Greenhouse outlaws
John Howard says Australia cannot afford to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. He says this country is a "special case" — given our reliance on fossil fuels — and has even countenanced withdrawing from the climate
By Cam Walker
The US government has stepped up its 20-year campaign against the Navajo (or Dineh) people. The government has announced a "90-day eviction" process that will forcibly remove the Navajo from their lands. The Dineh live in a remote
Support for native title
SYDNEY — A "prominent citizens' statement on native title" was launched at the Harold Park Hotel here on May 1.The endorsers — more than 100 artists, sportspeople, religious leaders, politicians, writers, academics
By Graham Matthews
Les Malezer, executive director of the Federation of Aboriginal and Islander Research Associations and member of the indigenous working group negotiating proposed amendments to the Native Title Act with the federal government,
By Anthony Benbow
PERTH — Twenty-five thousand people filled the streets on April 29 in a massive protest against the Court government's "third wave" of anti-union laws — the largest rally for workers' rights here in decades. All unions took
Germany under pressure over McAliskey case
Pressure is building on the German government to drop a spurious extradition case against Roisin McAliskey, daughter of prominent Irish nationalist Bernadette Devlin McAliskey. Eight months pregnant,
By Peter McGregor
The commemoration of Anzac Day has a special temporal link to Australia's role in the Viet Nam-USA War. April 30 is the date when Vietnamese commemorate either the liberation, or the fall, of Saigon and the South, depending on
By Peter Montague
A study published in January in Environmental Health Perspectives (a US government journal) concludes that people who lived near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania in 1979 are more likely to get lung cancer,
Poem: "Oh, Alonya's OK"
"Oh, Alonya's OK"
They don't see the water retreatacross the eyes of their children,and hear the love pumping out over the sand,"that is sunset", they say to themselves,missing the bubbles in the blood. for while
Rally in defence of sacked teachers
By John Nebauer
MELBOURNE — Around 160 people attended a rally on April 30 at the Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre to protest against the sacking of three teachers from the Victorian Certificate of
Campaign against Holsworthy airport
Margaret Perrott
WOLLONGONG — Several thousand people attended a protest at Stanwell Park in the northern Illawarra on April 21 against the federal government's plan for a second Sydney international
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