By Marina Cameron
The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney prompted an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on March 3 to pose the question, "What's the point of being gay?". Increased acceptance in some workplaces, more mass advertising aimed
Sexist language?
I am writing in response to Lisa Macdonald's comments on gender-specific terminology in "What's in a name?" (GLW #268). She was correct in pointing out that "language reflects rather than shapes reality". I also agree that it
NTEU supports national day of action
By Jo Brown
SYDNEY — Meetings of the NTEU branches at Sydney and New South Wales Universities last week decided to support the National Day of Action on May 8 to defend public education. A meeting of
Children of the Resistance: The current situation in East Timor as seen through the eyes of two Australian touristsBy Rebecca Winters and Brian KellyAustralians for a Free East Timor, 1996. 36 pp., $6 Review by Jon Lamb
Children of the
Politicians' perks shows corruption is systemic
By Norm Dixon
The fall-out from the so-called "Colston affair" reveals the massive gap between the lifestyles of politicians of all stripes and those of the vast majority of working
By Alex Bainbridge
Ron Guignard (GLW #270) takes issue with my argument that "a society free of the profit motive . . . can be built only on the basis of abundance of the things people consume" (from my critique of Ted Trainer's The Conserver
Sudan rebels on the move again
By Norm Dixon
After a brief lull, rebels opposed to the Arab-chauvinist regime in Khartoum have resumed their offensive in the south of Sudan. In early March, Sudan Peoples Liberation Army fighters liberated
Unions confront MIM over safety
By Bill Mason
BRISBANE — The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and the electricians' union are locked in a battle over safety with Mount Isa Mines at the central Queensland Oaky Creek
Them and usThem and us
My political opinions are well known. I have seen them many a time inscribed on walls and heard them shouted with much bravado during street marches.
I, who have for many years presided over the destinies
By James Balowski
The subversion trials of 14 Peoples Democratic Party (PRD) activists are now dragging into their fourth month and the Indonesian government is moving quickly to bring them to a "conclusion". On March 26, the Jakarta daily
Suffrage Days: Stories From The Women's Suffrage MovementBy Sandra Stanley HoltonRoutledge, 1996. 309 pp., $39.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon
The movement for the women's vote early in this century, argues Sandra Holton in Suffrage Days, is
'Odd couple' in South African water privatisation plan
By Norm Dixon
The Congress of South African Trade Unions has hit out at moves to privatise parts of South Africa's water supply, saying it would "never be acceptable". A surprising
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