By Gay Walsh The women's movement must embrace women from all social classes, races, origins. Yet it will survive only if its class analysis does not sit prettily with an accommodation of the bourgeoisie. It will mean nothing if it does not
By Paris Jo Pompor In comparison with many other countries Australia may appear to be relatively free of human rights abuses, but an Amnesty International report released earlier this year shows that our historical as well as current records are
Love from a male perspective MenlovePerformed by the Didi Koi Dance CompanyTheatreworks, St Kilda, MelbourneUntil April 20$20/$14Bookings 9534 3388 Review by Bronwen Beechey Menlove is about love and relationships from a male viewpoint. Tim
Scandal widens over Gulf War illnesses By Barry Sheppard In late 1991, the year of the Gulf slaughter, returning US soldiers began to complain of symptoms like chronic fatigue, pains in the joints, digestive problems and headaches.
By Miguel Heatwole SYDNEY — The Solidarity Choir will be celebrating its 10th anniversary and launching a new CD on Sunday, April 13, with a benefit concert for Tranby Aboriginal Training College. The event, at Redfern Town Hall from 2pm to
By Susan Lazlo Adrienne Hamill's piece "Is child-care the answer?" in the previous issue of GLW raises some important issues regarding the federal government's moves to limit affordable, quality child-care. Unfortunately, however, in so doing
Gay and Lesbian Pride march HOBART — A small but lively group attended the annual Gay and Lesbian Pride march to Parliament House Lawns on March 21. Speakers addressed the issues of visibility and of being out and proud in Tasmanian. The
Comment by Sean Healy The March 26 national day of action and three-day occupation in Sydney of the University of Technology administration clearly demonstrates that students are ready and willing to fight the government's education cuts. What
Labour Hire employees win union protection By Sue Bolton MELBOURNE — The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union's (AMWU) Victorian branch has won a major breakthrough by getting the Labour Hire group of companies to sign an agreement
The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire, led by Laurent Kabila, is leading the armed struggle sweeping Zaire. In France, the Coalition of Democratic Organisations of the Zairean Diaspora (CODEZAD) represents the alliance.
By Sarah Stephen HOBART — Around 700 people joined a march and rally against racism on March 22 which was organised by Labor MP John White and the United Nations Association on behalf of Tasmanians Against Racism (TAR). Participants were asked
Punished for being homeless By Bill Day DARWIN — A woman who spoke at a rally of homeless Aboriginal people here on March 17 has been fined $1060 for taking two blankets and a bedspread from a city motel. Her partner was fined $540 for