Beyond their blood-curdling accounts of the angry scenes at the doors of Parliament House, the establishment media studiously avoided reporting the depth of feeling of participants at the anti-Howard rally on August 19. From a safe distance inside
[The following is a joint statement by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance on the August 19 events at Parliament House.] The media chorus of condemnation of the August 19 incident at Parliament House is absolutely hypocritical.
By Mick Barclay and Vannessa Hearman
CANBERRA — Nico Warouw, the international representative of the Indonesian People's Democratic Party (PRD), urged CFMEU seminar participants to support the release of all political prisoners and the growing
Cut-price degrees
In response to federal funding cuts, the University of Western Sydney is considering a cut-price plan to allow students to complete degrees in two rather than three years. Under the plan, lectures would be replaced with
By Marina Cameron
As expected, the federal budget included drastic cuts to higher education. Cuts to university operating grants of 5%, increases in the Higher Education Contribution Scheme within a new three-tier system, increases in the HECS
No, we haven't got any, but we thought that would get your attention. But don't go away: we do hope to have some jobs for you soon.
We can see the way things are going, especially after the budget. It is clear that the government is planning a
Timor Awareness Night
MELBOURNE — The Third World Action Group at Monash University held a Timor Awareness Night dinner at Wholefoods Restaurant on the campus. Following cheap, tasty vegetarian food, those attending were addressed by Abel
By Rob Cover
PERTH — From August 1-3, more than 300 academics, social workers and others from Australia and overseas discussed how domestic and family violence could be prevented and how to network resources and information more efficiently.
Students occupy Howard's office
By Marcus Greville
SYDNEY — On August 21, 60 students occupied John Howard's electoral office in Gladesville to protest against the budget's attacks on education. After entering, the students escorted most staff
What kind of degree?
"He told them that his girlfriend was from Port Macquarie but that she was studying at university in Queensland and when she had her degree and had learnt to cook, then he'd marry her." — A National Party official,
Today is the day
[Stick this on your fridge or toilet door:]
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I'm looking for the good in the federal
By Graham Carter
I have just got back from Canberra where I attended the rally. The media have reacted completely inappropriately to the events on the day. I witnessed much which conflicts with what was reported: 1. The rally was not violent. You
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