The May 26 European Parliament elections are just around the corner, and conservative, liberal and social democratic camps in the European Union are all sounding the alarm, writes Dick Nichols.

The brutal face of hard right and fascist reaction has been on vivid display on the issues of women’s rights and the climate crisis in the past few weeks, writes Phil Hearse.

The Yellow Vests represent the first time in history that a spontaneous, self-organised social movement has ever held out for half a year in spite of repression, while retaining its autonomy, resisting cooption, bureaucratisation and sectarian splits.

Barry Sheppard takes a look at US-Iran relations since World War 2.

Amid the disastrous election result across the country on election night, one small but important spark of hope was the impressive first showing at a federal election by the Victorian Socialists, writes Corey Oakley.

Legislative attacks on abortion rights in the US have escalated this year, as social conservatives have shifted tactics with an unprecedented wave of state abortion bans adopted.

The most restrictive legislation was signed into law by Alabama's governor on May 15. It bans abortion altogether, except for cases of medical emergency. Pregnancy resulting from sexual assault is no exception and doctors performing abortions are criminalised with penalties of up to 99 years in jail.

Bob Hawke was instrumental in taming the Labor Party and the labour movement primarily through the introduction of the Prices and Incomes Accord, writes Jim McIlroy.

This year, the First Nations suicide crisis has not only continued its dramatic escalation, but the lack of adequate response only worsens as the rates rise and it remains relatively unacknowledged, writes Paul Gregoire.

A new campaign aimed at stopping unnecessary strip searches, providing fairness and dignity for young people and ensuring safe music and cultural festivals for young people has been launched.

More than 100 Stop Adani activists from around Australia participated in a webinar on May 22 to share initial reflections on the way forward for the campaign post election.

The results of the federal election have shown the limitations of the Australian Council of Trade Union-led Change the Rules campaign, writes Sarah Hathway.

Damon Gameau is an environmentalist who wants to go beyond the dire facts of the impending climate catastrophe, writes Barry Healy.Ìý