Sixteen sacked over safety issue By Elle Morrell MELBOURNE — Sixteen steel fixers and carpenters have been sacked from a construction site at St Vincents Hospital for taking a stand over a safety issue. When a three-metre iron
Call to lift ban on Pramoedya's work According to an August 23 Jakarta Post report, 70 leading Indonesian authors and artists have asked the government to lift its ban on the publication of the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, whose novels have
By Max Lane SYDNEY — Indonesian and Australian activists and trade unionists failed in their efforts to put a resolution before the ACTU Congress stating support for the newly forming independent worker organisations in Indonesia and opposing
By Jorge Jorquera Several thousand students around the country demonstrated on August 10 against the federal government's latest attacks on higher education. Smaller protests have since followed in a number of cities. But most of these protests
Attack on political bookshop SYDNEY — Swastikas and right-wing threats were spray painted across the front if the Pathfinder Bookshop in Surry Hills on the night of August 30. Supporters of the bookshop are calling on defenders of democratic
In the stars By Lucifer Skycrawler What's in the stars? Hydrogen, mostly. Helium too, especially in the older ones. Traces of heavier elements. Oh yes: heat, lots of it. So it's certainly not surprising that the stars can determine
This is the edited text of a speech given by PEGGY TROMPF to a meeting in Sydney on September 1 organised by the Rank and File Alliance. On Monday, I listened to the speeches of the president and secretary of the ACTU as they opened the
Tim Anderson speaks on Austudy arrests MELBOURNE — Tim Anderson is touring Melbourne campuses to talk about the justice system and the fight for our rights and liberties. Speaking at a socialist conference in Sydney in August, he repeated
Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture By Noam Chomsky London: Verso, 1993. 172 pp., $27.95 (pb) Reviewed by Phil Shannon John F. Kennedy — "the only shining star that ever crossed the political sky" as the
Cover-up fear in Yanomami massacre By Cam Walker The world was horrified by the recent massacre of up to 100 Yanomami Indians by goldminers in the Amazon basin. It has been reported that the inhabitants of two villages were slaughtered and
Middle East peace? The decision by the Israeli government to sign an agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organisation to allow the Palestinian Arab population in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho limited
By John Queripel From the highland flings of Scotland to the dance of East Timor, from the strident sounds of protest folk to the harmonies of a cappella: they will all be there at the Newcastle and Hunter Valley Folk Festival to be held at