Judy Mundey, a long-term campaigner, told a Save Greater Sydney Coalition protest that she doubts Labor’s pro-developer rezoning plan and that public housing is no more an extravagant concept than public health care and public education.
Judy Mundey
Judy Mundey, the patron of the newly-launched Dare to Struggle Film Festival, gave the following presentation after the screening of a new film about the life and politics of radical unionist Jack Mundey.
Joyce Stevens was born on January 6, 1928 and was 87 when she died on May 6.
She was the third child in a family of four children, with two older brothers and a younger sister, Lorna, who survives her. Her father was a railway fettler and her mother had been a nurse.
The family lived in country NSW and Joyce enjoyed some of the pleasures and freedoms of country children. She moved to Sydney with her mother and two of her siblings when she was 14.