World Environment Day 1995
By Emily Sunman
and Nick Soudakoff
SYDNEY — A World Environment Day march and rally, with the theme "livable cities, sustainable environment", is being organised for June 3. Plans are to march from Town Hall to First Fleet Park for a festival.
In 1972, June 5 was nominated by the United Nations as World Environment Day. It has since been celebrated internationally and nationally, where World Environment Day committees are involved in organising events to focus on issues including aircraft noise, the construction of freeways, woodchipping of old-growth forests, ending hemp/marijuana prohibition and global warming.
To get involved in this action, and help put the environment and people before profits, come along to committee meetings every Sunday at 4.30pm at Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, or phone Kathy on 690 1977 or Trina 385 3754.