The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch Committee is organising volunteers to travel to Kalgoorlie for the next stage of the Coronial Inquest into the January 2008 death of Warburton elder Mr Ward. The inquest reopens on May 11.
Ward died in January 2008 during a four-hour journey in the back of a non-airconditioned van on a 42°C day. He was in the custody of prison management company Global Solutions Limited (GSL).
As well ass travelling to Kalgoorlie, the committee has called a picket outside GSL headquarters on May 14. GSL provides privatised custodial services to the WA police. The company plans to win more contracts from the state government.
The committee is also organising a "Highways to Human Rights" fundraiser at the Charles Hotel in North Perth on May 1. Performers include the Bartlett Brothers, the Old Flames Band, the Warangka Band, Candice Lorrae and the Gang of Three.
The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch Committee meets weekly on Wednesday nights at the Unions WA, CSA building, 4th floor, 445 Hay St, Perth.
[For more information call (08) 9444 1930. Donations to the "Ward Campaign" can be made to BSB 086 082 Acct 4549 41411.]