Just 53% of US adults believe capitalism is better than socialism, a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey revealed.
The survey, published Rasmussenreports.com on April 9, found 20% think socialism is better than capitalism, while 27% were unsure.
However, for adults under 30, the results are almost evenly split. Capitalism is preferred by only 37%, while 33% prefer socialism and 30% are undecided.
By an 11-1 margin, Republican voters chose capitalism. Only 39% of Democrat voters backed capitalism, with 30% supporting socialism.
The poll did not define either capitalism or socialism.
However, on the question of corporate power, a sizeable majority are hostile. The results of another Rasmussen Reports poll, posted on March 20, revealed two thirds of respondents believed big business and the government worked together in ways that hurt consumers.