1974: Portugese dictator overthrown. New political parties formed in East Timor: Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), Social Democratic Association of Timor (ASDT; later Fretilin) and Timorese Popular Democratic Association (Apodeti).
October 16 1975: Five Australian journalists killed in village of Balibo in East Timor while filming Indonesian troops attacking East Timorese villages.
November 28: Fretilin declare independence in a bid to get international support.
December 7 1975: Indonesian forces invade East Timor.
December 22 1975: United Nations Security Council calls on Indonesia to withdraw its forces.
1979: Fraser Liberal government recognises the Indonesian "annexation" of East Timor.
July 1981: Indonesian forces launch the offensive known as the "fence of legs".
June 25 1983: Ceasefire reportedly signed between Indonesian military and Fretilin.
August 8 1983: Indonesian military launches a new offensive.
1985: Hawke Labor government reaffirms the de jure recognition of Indonesian annexation.
October 12 1989: The Pope visits East Timor, and pro-independence protesters are arrested and tortured.
December 11 1989: Signing of the Timor Gap Treaty between Australia and Indonesia.
January 17 1990: Beatings and arrests of students during the visit by US Ambassador to Indonesia.
October 28 1991: Troops shoot and kill Sebastio Gomes at Motael Church, Dili.
November 12 1991: Santa Cruz massacre. Indonesian troops open fire on mourners at Sebastio Gomes memorial service, killing at least 270 people.
November 20 1992: Xanana Gusmao, leader of the East Timorese resistance, captured.
December 1993: Suharto attempts to set up talks between anti- and pro-integration East Timorese, but talks fail because the East Timorese chosen to participate have no support or authority.
March 1994: John Pilger's film Death of a Nation shown at UN Human Rights Commission.
June 1994: Asia-Pacific Conference on East Timor held in Manila, Philippines despite protest from Indonesian government.
November 12 1991: Dili massacre commemoration demonstrations held in East Timor and US embassy in Jakarta occupied by East Timorese students during APEC summit.
January 1995: Portugese government takes Australian government to the International Court of Justice to challenge the Timor Gap Treaty.
December 1995: Indonesian and East Timorese activists occupy the Dutch and Russian embassies in Jakarta.I