Thousands march against Groom
By Ben Courtice
HOBART — More than 7000 people took to the streets throughout Tasmania on December 3 to protest the Groom Liberal government's new anti-worker industrial legislation.
In Hobart, some 4000 marched in heavy rain from the Domain to Parliament House to hear speakers denounce the new legislation. More than 1000 people protested in Launceston, 1000 in Burnie, and 500 in Devenport.
The day was an important success for the union movement, with more than 90% of schools closed, a 24-hour strike at Pasminco E-Z, waterside workers closing down shipping operations in Burnie, Bell Bay, Devonport and Hobart, a 2-hour stop-work by the TPSA, and a 24- hour strike by the TWU which brought freight services to a complete halt.
A measure of the widespread anger against Premier Ray Groom with the community was the 24-hour strike by teachers. This was the first time that teachers had taken 24-hour strike action.
Jim Bacon of the Tasmanian Trades and Labor Council said that this was the second stage of the industrial campaign, and delivered a warning that any employer trying to take advantage of the new legislation would feel the full weight of the trade union movement.