Tax management threatens staff
By Chris Slee
MELBOURNE — Management in the Australian Taxation Office is trying to intimidate staff into breaking bans imposed in response to a plan called "ATO Business 2000", which involves job cuts, massive forced transfers and cuts to accommodation standards and working conditions.
Conflict has centred on inquiries areas, where staff have been restricting their hours of public contact. Management told staff that flexitime rights had been withdrawn, and that those on higher duties allowance would no longer receive it. The union believes these instructions are illegal.
At Casselden Place office (Melbourne CBD), management threatened to call in security guards to remove staff on higher duties allowance, a threat which has not been implemented so far.
Bans were suspended on August 19 in the hope that this would facilitate negotiations, but reimposed on September 9 when management proved intransigent. In response to threats, bans have been escalated.