SYDNEY — A last minute reprieve arrived for the NSW Working Women's Centre, whose current federal funding arrangement expires on June 30. At 4pm on June 27, the federal government announced a new arrangement. Fifty people attending a support action, held in Erskineville on June 28, welcomed the announcement.
Jo Tilly, a member of the centre's management committee, told the supporters that the federal government is yet to provide details of the new arrangement, and the "fight may not be over".
Since 1993, the centre has provided work-related advice and advocacy services to women. Most clients tend to be highly vulnerable non-unionised women. Many turn to the centre as a last resort, seeking assistance in battling discrimination, sexual harassment or pregnancy-related sacking. The centre reports that it has had contact with close to 30,000 women.
Since 1997, the centre has received additional funding from the NSW government. It is the only NSW organisation or service that exists specifically to provide a free, confidential information and advisory service for women on work/life/family balance issues. Referrals come through word of mouth, Lawlink and the Department of Industrial Relations inquiry line.
For more information, phone Jo Tilly on (02) 9220 0906. You can sign on to a statement of support at .