Supermarkets break trading laws
By Kest Courtice
HOBART — Tasmania's Purity supermarket chain opened all day on Saturday, January 8, contravening Tasmanian law. On the following Saturday, Coles also opened all day.
The Retail Traders' Association reports that small businesses experienced a drop in turnover of up to 43% on Saturday the 8th, and up to 15% on the following Sunday.
This follows legislation by the state Liberal government in 1993 to extend trading hours for large businesses, which was blocked when a Liberal MHA crossed the floor and voted against it.
Various small business and other associations have grouped together as the Coalition for Law and Order to attempt to force prosecution of the supermarket chains. The government is investigating the breach of trading laws, and may prosecute. In the meantime, however, the stores are able to remain open, and with a clever lawyer they could drag the court case out for years while continuing to flout the law.