Sri Lanka — Tamil Eelam
This resolution was presented to the final plenary session on behalf of participants in the workshop on Women and the Tamil struggle. It was adopted by acclamation.
This conference is gravely concerned by the continued Sri Lankan-Tamil Eelam war and the increasing genocidal dimension of that war evidenced by: (a) the targeting of the civilian population by the Sri Lankan forces and (b) the number of disappearances, torture, extrajudicial killings, rape, arbitrary arrest and indefinite detention of Tamils.
This conference:
1. calls upon both the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers to secure a negotiated political solution that allows the Tamil people to realise their right to self-determination with full rights to all the people of Sri Lanka and Tamil Eelam;
2. calls upon the Sri Lankan government for the immediate withdrawal of its armed forces from the Tamil homeland; and
3. calls for genuine negotiations for a political solution to be commenced with a neutral third party acceptable to both the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.