Secondary students denounce US war
By Wendy Robertson and Tony Iltis
MELBOURNE — About 100 people attended a rally outside the GPO called by Secondary Students Against the Gulf War on Friday, March 1, to highlight that, for the people of the Middle East and for the environment, the effects of the war continue.
Speakers included Danielle Morell, Matt Narayan, Nicky Boer and Dagmar Jenkins from SSAGW and Fousy Khaled from the Palestinian community. While the West continued to plunder the Middle East for its resources and while Palestinian demands for self-determination continued to be ignored, there would be little hope for lasting peace in the region, speakers explained.
Attention was drawn to the devastating environmental consequences of the war, which will continue to be felt for decades to come. For these reasons, the rally resolved to continue to campaign against Western intervention in the Middle East and the Third World generally.