Regional coordination
The following resolution was moved by the Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference organisers and adopted by acclamation.
Given imperialism's escalating attacks on the peoples of this region through the deepening and widening neo-liberal austerity policies, and given increasing state repression of those who are resisting and organising against these attacks, this conference calls on all participants and all progressive forces in the region to:
1. maintain and increase the contacts and information exchange between struggles and parties in the region; and
2. continue and step up solidarity, in particular with those forces which are struggling to bring an end to the most repressive military regimes in the region.
We urge that more conferences like this one be held in the future, in Australia or whichever country has the conditions and resources to host it.
We encourage attendance at any future regional gatherings, such as the one being planned for the end of this year by the forces present at the conference from Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan.