Community Aid Abroad/Freedom From Hunger radiothon — To coincide with World Food Day on Friday, October 16, SBS Radio will be conducting a national radiothon all day to raise funds for CAA.
Screen: South of the Border — Patricia Boero surveys the current state of Central and Latin American cinema. She will discuss the role played by the Cuban Film Festival, the rise of women directors in new Latin American cinema and the near collapse of film in Argentina. ABC Radio National, Thurs Oct 15, 10.05 a.m. and 8.30 p.m.
Green and Practical — This program includes part one of Liz Thompson's three-part series, "A Collaboration: Traditional Knowledge in the Modern World". How the Anangu people of the Northern Territory and the CSIRO combined their knowledge to survey the Uluru National Park. ABC Radio National, Sat Oct 17 (and every Sat), 8.05 a.m.
Triple J's Living for the City: It's a Wired World — Ours is an urban culture and increasingly a digital one. In the past suburbia was remote from the cultural life of the city. Under the widened footpaths of our modern cities we're finding an increasing number of fibre optic cables bringing our culture on line from computers, telephones and video systems. The telecommunity has arrived! Triple J FM, Sun Oct 18, 6 p.m. (repeated Wed Oct 21, 9 p.m.).
Watching Brief: The Liquid Path — This extraordinary two-part public radio documentary focuses on the rubber tappers of Brazil, one the most important groups fighting for the protection of the Amazon rainforest. 2SER journalist/producer Stafford Sanders and Brazilian sociologist Fernanda Duarte travelled to the Amazon in May and spoke to tapper communities, activists, trade unionists. They gathered interviews and sounds, and attended the Rio Earth Summit with the tappers.
The history of the tappers is traced and their story is told by their own spokespeople. Sanders described the program as another example of the standard of documentary programs undertaken by public radio. "The mainstream wouldn't touch this program but public radio did." 2SER FM. Part 1: Mon Oct 19, 12.30 p.m. (repeated Fri Oct 23, 12.30 p.m.). Part 2: Mon Oct 26, 12.30 p.m. (repeated Fri Oct 30, 12.30 p.m.). The Liquid Path will also go to air on public radio stations throughout Australia. Phone your local stations for dates and times.