Radio highlights
Hawaii — Hawaii's recent history sung by historian Jonathon Osorio. He sings about the islanders' protest movements — from protecting their land against development and environmental destruction to the campaign against the US Navy's use of one of the islands for shelling and bombing practice. ABC Radio National, Sat August 8, 1.30 p.m. (repeated on Fri August 14, 9.30 p.m.).
Koori Connection — Jaslyn Hall presents her black music program Round Midnight every Saturday night. This week's includes an interview with Kev Carmody and a live recording of acclaimed Koori singer/songwriter Archie Roach in concert. Also appearing will be the African American a cappella women's group Sweet Honey in the Rock. ABC Radio National, Sat August 8, 10 p.m.
Nallawilli — Aboriginal stories of the Dreamtime. Nallawilli is centred in New South Wales and evokes its landscape, flora and fauna through story, music and dance. Nallawilli is performed by Kooris in Theatre following a successful season of performances in Sydney. ABC Radio National, Sun August 9, 8.15 p.m.
Open Hearted Country — A visit to the home of Nganyinytjia, a senior Pitjantjatjara woman, who lives at Angatja, an outstation in the far north of South Australia. She tells some of the stories from the Tjukurpa, the creation period, when Wati Ngintaka the giant lizard travelled through the country and made its distinctive landmarks. Part of ABC Radio National's The Listening Room program, Sun August 9, 10.10 p.m.
Out On Wednesday: Sweet Honey in the Rock live — The sound and repertoire of Sweet Honey are rooted in the black American congregational style but also embrace the blues, West African chants, folk, field hollers and work songs. If you can't make the Sweet Honey concerts or want to hear them again, tune in to ABC FM, Wed August 12, 8 p.m.