Following the 30,000-strong protests around Australia on July 22 against Israel's bombing of Lebanon and Gaza, anti-war actions continued last week, with plans for more during the next fortnight.
Linda Seaborn reports from Hobart that 40 people gathered outside Town Hall on July 28 for a snap protest. Duncan Meerding from the Socialist Alliance and Melanie Barnes from Resistance addressed the protesters. The action was supported by the Greens and the local mosque. Planning is underway for a bigger rally in Hobart on August 12.
In Wollongong, Chris Williams reports, 500 people marched through the streets on July 29 demanding an immediate end to the bombing. In Sydney, a vigil at Town Hall on July 28 was attended by around 120 people.
For details of future protests, see the advertisement on page 15 and visit .