Plans for Students and Sustainability Conference
By Mat Hines
and Nikki den Exter
HOBART — Between July 6 and 10, the University of Tasmania will host the annual student environment conference, Students and Sustainability. This year's theme is "Visions for the future".
Speakers will include Greens senator Bob Brown, permaculture guru Bill Mollison, possibly Jacqui Katona and a student who participated in the recent democratic upsurge in Indonesia. There will be seminars on mining, "sustainable democracy", "queer green politics", forest destruction, native title and marine issues. Workshops will be organised on many topics, including direct action skills, political theories, sustainable lifestyles, spirituality, and sustainable industries.
The plenary topics include: "Reality Check", "The Tasmanian Direction", "Self and Sustainability" and "Ecotopian Visions". These topics will be addressed by an array of activists, philosophers, academics, politicians and theorists. Each plenary will have at least one indigenous, one female and one Tasmanian speaker.
Each day will have up to 25 workshops. The workshop proceedings will be published. July 8 will be set aside for field trips to nearby areas such as Mt Wellington, the Tasman Peninsula, the Huon River, national parks and World Heritage areas and unprotected forests. A protest action may be organised.
There will be entertainment each lunchtime and evening. All resolutions arising from the conference will be sent to the people and organisations affected.
Since its inauguration in 1991, Students and Sustainability has become the largest student conference in Australasia. It is expected to attract about 600 students and community representatives from Australia and the Pacific.
As the conference date approaches, the collective will need more help. If you want to volunteer your time and skills, contact the collective by phone (03) 6226 7414; fax (03) 6226 7107; at PO Box 950, Sandy Bay, 7006; or by e-mail at <>. Check the web site at
[Mat Hines and Nikki den Exter are coordinating the Students and Sustainability Collective.]