Money better spent
We don't know the final bill for the extra 18 F-111s, but surely there are better things to spend it on in this period of high employment and straining welfare, health and education systems? The Sydney-based People for Nuclear Disarmament did some calculations on how last year's budget on military equipment could be better spent. Instead of $591 million on submarines, free medicine for all in Australia could be provided. Instead of $282 million on frigates, preschool places could be doubled. Instead of $122 million on F/A-18 fighter aircraft, 8000 extra university places and 10,000 TAFE places could be created. Instead of $404 million on upgrading and maintaining the current F-111 fleet, 3000 public housing homes could have been built. Instead of $321 million on trainer aircraft, the federal environmental budget could be trebled. Instead of $27 million on helicopters, 30 Aboriginal health care centres and 15 women's health care centres could be established.