"I was sitting very close to Mr Whitlam, and when I see Mr Whitlam, I remember General Peron from my country." — Hugo Bonasso, a migrant from Argentina, at the ALP policy launch for the NSW election.
We won
"On any marking of the cities that bid for the 2000 games, we would be near the very top, if not at the top, in the manner in which we conducted our bid." — John Fahey, former NSW premier, on the inquiry finding that Sydney breached International Olympic Committee guidelines in lavishing gifts on IOC members.
"I think hospitality workers would be horrified." — Richard Mucahy, executive director of the Australian Hotels Association, on a union proposal that hospitality workers be paid triple time for working next New Year's Eve.
Responsible government
"It is becoming difficult to find anyone who has even the slightest sense of responsibility." — An independent report on the unelected European Commission, whose 20 members have now resigned. In four years, the commission had lost $8.5 billion to frauds and three or four times that to "errors".
Pray for drought
"In the long term, water will have increasing scarcity value. Its asset value can only increase." — David Fraser, vice-president of agribusiness at Bankers Trust, forecasting speculation in water for agriculture.
"It gives a poor impression to other members and to the public." — A report by senior members of the British House of Lords, asking members not to put their feet on tables nor to talk while other members are speaking.