Amanda Vanstone, (Lib) Employment Minister: Oops! Sorry. There I go again. You know me. I'm as blunt as they come. But hang on. Don't go rushing to judge us too harshly now. It's still early days. We are burdened with this terrible — truly terrible — legacy of high unemployment. And we know who to blame for that one, don't we? (Oh, yes we do.)
So don't go pressing the panic buttons just yet. Sure, the jobless rate is up a bit, but that's a temporary phenomenon. It won't stay 8.8% for ever, you know. Once the budgetary measures take effect and we can proceed with our IR bill, the picture out there will change. So don't obstruct us. I mean that. Let the Coalition proceed with its agenda. That's what we are here for. And I tell you, we have more of the same up our sleeve. As I say, it is still early days. So let's not be rash.
Anyway, getting uppity about a few statistical blips here and there only serves to obscure the big picture. And that's the main thing. Ours is a truly exciting project and we all should be honoured to be part of it.
So what's it to be? Our way or theirs? That's the choice, isn't it? And we've seen what they can do, haven't we? (Oh, yes we have; we put up with it for 13, remember — waiting for results.)
So here we are together, whether we like it or not, trying to make our way in a hostile world. And sure, it can be rough sometimes. But I like to think that all of us down under can make a go of it by pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps and taking on the competition. That's the spirit we need to adopt, because I don't mind telling you that it won't be an easy road. You know me, I call it as I see it. In fact, it's going to be bloody difficult (pardon my French).
But hey! Making it difficult is what we're here for! (Ha ha.)
I'm sorry. That's just my little joke. But joking aside, it's going to be rough.
Back at the office, we've got a name for it, and maybe to prove to you again just how candid I can be, I'll share it with you. Get this: we call ourselves downsizers and our mission is to downsize down under. That's our snappy little slogan — "downsize down under". How about that!
Excuse me, I'm rushing ahead. Just tell me if I'm going too fast. Pull very hard on the reins, and cry out: "Whoa! Amanda, you're galloping again", and I'll stop to explain.
Ok. Downsizing is a cute way — well, without putting too fine a word on it — of "sacking" workers. Hang on, don't get uppity — it's not as bad as it sounds. You can relax because they get rehired again (most of them anyway) — I am the minister of employment aren't I? Finding people jobs is what I'm supposed to do. So settle down.
A few are "discharged" temporarily, right?, only to be rehired under different (but more flexible ) conditions than they were before. It's wonderful. Instead of being stuck in the same old boring job year in year out, you get to choose whether you want to work on contract, temporary, part-time or take a break from the work force altogether (and catch up on all those chores around the house).
That's what downsizing promises — it's a revolution in the delivery of jobs. Some deserving youngster is sure to benefit. And we are going to bring it to you. That's our commitment. That's the big picture we're on about. So let's do away with the old privileged regime where workers acted as though they owned their jobs. Come off it! That's pure selfishness. With 8.8% of the work force out of work, who can afford to be so greedy? So get with it, Australia, and let's downsize as though our future depended upon it.
I'm telling you it does. (Mine anyway — but that's another story.)
Dave Riley