Why didn't anyone tell me that the line had been changed? I just made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone!
What are you talking about?
Haven't you heard? An independent East Timor is now OK.
It isn't, is it?
It is. Just don't tell anyone.
Tell anyone what?
The details.
But I don't know any.
Well, that's OK, because there aren't any. All parties are "considering their options".
Which are?
That's where the details kick in.
They're optional.
But the line has changed?
And it's OK to mention independence?
Mention? Yes. But don't go on about it.
By supplying details?
Just refer to it in passing: "Independence" ... yakety-yak ... "self determination"... blah, blah.
Now you're talking. "Process", I must remember that one.
"Process of consultation ..."
"... with an understanding Indonesia."
Oh, I must write that down!
Hold on! "... with the new Indonesia.
The "new Indonesia" ... Oh, I like it!
It's historic.
You bet it is!
"A historic process of consultation with the new Indonesia."
Don't you think within "the new Indonesia" is more appropriate?
I get it. Nothing's foregone.
Now you're talking.
By Dave Riley